2013 NY Shorts Fest Open For Entry
The 2013 New York International Shorts Film Festival, taking place at the Landmark Sunshine Cinema (143 East Houston), is officially open for entry! All entries must meet the guidelines stated in the Entry Requirements section of the NY Shorts Fest website (also listed below). The early deadline is quickly approaching on December 07, 2012 – click here for the submission form or find it at the Entry Requirements page:
Entry Requirements
Films must have been completed after Jan. 1, 2012
All non-English films must have English sub-titles.
Films must be submitted on DVD or DVD PAL in (Region 0 or 1).
Works-in-progress will be considered, provided they will be completed prior to the Festival.
Preview DVD should be labeled with the title, running-time and contact information.
Preview DVD will NOT be returned.
Please do NOT send stills or press kits. If your film is selected we will ask you to email us a still image.
All films selected for the Festival grant NY Shorts Fest the rights to upload a 2 minute clip/trailer online for promotional purposes.
You may enter more than one film, but each one must be on a separate DVD and must be accompanied by its own completed submission form and entry fee.
If you would like to make sure that we received your entry, please enclose a self-address, stamped postcard which we will send back to you as your confirmation.
Films must be postmark by the following deadline:
• Earlybird Deadline: December 7, 2012
• Regular Deadline: February 22, 2013
• Late Deadline: March 29, 2013
Shorts under 30 minutes, for each entry:
• Earlybird Deadline: $49
• Regular Deadline: $59
• Late Deadline: $69