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“Living Jazz” to open Reel Spotlight Series

Tuesday, July 24th, 2012 by

There’s something about Jazz that always gets a scene buzzing, a group dancing, and a nation thinking.  According to the authorities that be, there is no definition for the musical art form dubbed Jazz and Blues:  it is learned, changed, lost, and learned all over again in a cycle that only someone who understands that Jazz is a living thing can accept.  

Stefan Immler’s Oxygen for the Ears: Living Jazz is a feature-length (93 min) documentary film about jazz music, its players, its followers, its past and its promising future. Told from the landmark of Washington, D.C., the film shows how jazz history was made and continues to be made in the Capitol today. Through revealing interviews and rare recordings, “Oxygen for the Ears: Living Jazz” takes the viewers on an emotional journey through historic and present-day jazz moments.

Oxygen for the Ears will open for the Spotlight Series at the 2012 Reel Independent Film Extravaganza taking place at the West End Cinema from October 12, 2012 – October 18, 2012.  The event is presented by Skyrocket Productions.  A portion of the proceeds from the film festival will benefit A World Fit for Kids and Susan G Komen for the Cure.  For more information visit the Reel Independent Film webpage.

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