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Blue Nile Entertainment needs Supernatural Horror Scripts!

Tuesday, July 17th, 2012 by

Blue Nile Entertainment, an independent film production company, announced today that it is currently looking for completed feature-length limited-location, supernatural horror scripts with budgets not to exceed $1 million. Both WGA and Non-WGA writers may submit. “After the success of our first film, we are so excited to be in development on our next feature, ” says Producer and Founder Juan F. Gonzalez, “and working with a writer to bring a powerful story to the silver screen!”

Their credits include the upcoming supernatural thriller, The Awakened. Before submitting a script, please include a resume with your pitch.

How to Submit a Script?

Blue Nile Entertainment/Blue Nile Pictures – Script Submission Instructions

1. REQUESTED SCRIPTS ONLY – Only persons who have received a specific request from Blue Nile Entertainment to read their script may submit scripts by following the directions on their page. If a script is not requested, DO NOT PROCEED. However, writers may submit a pitch by sending an e-mail to info@bluenilepictures.com.

2. REGISTERING SCRIPTS – All writers are urged to register their scripts with the Writers Guild of America or the U.S. Copyright Office.

3. SUBMISSION INFORMATION FORM – If a writer’s script is requested, Blue Nile Entertainment will forward a RELEASE FORM electronically, which must be completed by the writer.

For more information on Blue Nile Entertainment visit their webpage.

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