One Week Left: AFF Screen/Teleplay Contest
Attention all writers! June 1st is your last chance to submit a script in this year’s Austin Film Festival Screenplay & Teleplay Competition and your last chance to submit a film before the entry fee goes up (to $50 before July 1st, and $50 before July 15th). Here’s some info on the competition from the festival, including entry fees, awards, contestant discounts, and rules:
Screenplay Categories ($50)
- The Drama Award presented by the Writers Guild of America, East
- The Comedy Award
- Enderby Entertainment Award*: open to feature scripts in all genres with an original concept and distinctive voice that can be independently produced under $5 million
- Dark Hero Studios Sci-Fi Award*: open to fantasy, horror, and science fiction scripts
*To be considered for these awards your script must be entered in the Drama or Comedy Category
Teleplay Categories ($30)
- Sitcom Spec
- One-Hour Spec
- Sitcom Pilot
- One-Hour Pilot
Conference Registration Discounts for Screenplay Entrants
Producer Badge – $495 (reg $550)
Conference Badge – $220 (reg $350)
To submit to the competition (film and screenplay/teleplay) visit the entry page, and for more information on this year’s Austin Film Festival visit the festival webpage.